Saturday, December 27, 2008
When the Arguement of Good and Bad arises
Questions like this rattle my mind everyday,every hour every minute and every nano second.But its like NP-not complete problem.sometimes human brain is like a computer,you dont have solution for almost every mystical questions.Even the most learned people cant answer such questions."Katradhu kai man alavu,kalladhadhu ulagalavu" is very correct in this aspect.Maybe if I fix an appointment with the CEO of HImalayan saints association,I can vent out my rants with a smile!!I still don understand this so called "Karma Theory"..FRom where do we come and where do we go?What is the reason for the series of births?What is so subtle in this birth that was not in the previous births?Will there be any improvement in next birth?What is the purpose of the whole play?
Are we the architects of our life?or the creators guiding each move?But I believe that we are the writers of our destiny.."Two Roads Diverged in a yellow wood and i took the one less travelled by.."hits my mind when we talk about choices.Perhaps there are more roads that are lesss travelled by..Even if i consider each birth is a learning lesson and each time we learn from the mistakes and take the new lessons in the next birth..Is there an end to it?whither destination?If the goal of birth is to have an answer for each and every question the mind asks will the entire life becomes senseless?.Because there is no need,or no wants,no specific goals to achieve.Coming to the concept of Bhagavat Gita,whatever happenned has happened good..whatevet is happening is happening good..whatever will happen is bound to happen good..we din bring anything here to lose..we don take anything when the soul the question here is are our choices already written with destiny or it gets written aas it happens when we make choices.In that case wont it become a case history????
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Shopping at 8th cross,Malleswaram
Monday, December 15, 2008
Touching NUmber!!!
Take out of your wasted honor
Every little best frustration
Take out all your so called problems
Better put them in quotations
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Walkin like a one man army
Fightin with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you’d be better off instead
If you could only
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for getting older
You better know that in the end its better to say to much
Than to never to say what you need to say again
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say ….
Check out the song in You tube
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Randonmess(Entrophy) of THoughts
My degree life was not so memorable one though I have a good set of friends somehow I was not very interested with the people and the lecturers at that time.Added to this was my dada's ill health.Three years passed like a hell.I managed to finish my degree.Though I lost my dad,the feeling of tasting success was burning ghastly inside me.somehow I joined post grad,with a sigh of relief that I will finish it in three months.Presently some kind of mysterious thoughts are riddling my mind.How wonderful life will be when all our thoughts materialises!!Some sort of happiness in watching the birds chirp,movements of tree branches,the multicolored sky,a begger sharing his food with dog..The kindness of nature is immediately spotted wherever my eyes gleans on it.Hoping, wishing that maybe there might be newness of thought, tranquility of the mind and sanctity of being that can come to pass.Watching how randomly the thoughts shift from one form to another and to start off not knowing the destination.Does it really worth pondering over?or it is worthless?Useless?senseless?Hopeless?Mysterious?Funny?Nonsensical?Humourous?Is it a symphony of nature or cacophony of the whimsical world?.
Here it goes my eyes gaze on monitor..Fingers on the keyboard?mind on the waving window screen and the rainbow of colors reflected by the window.Wait a moment...the leaves of the tree near the building enter and exit in pattern of time..when these thoughts preoccupy am i conscious of myself?How does the senses work in harmony to bring a sense of fulfillment or agony?where all these thoughts are ultimately leading me?And have we set out on a journey to figure ourselves out or is this to go through whatever that life might through you but just be like the clouds? To rise up? And be?--All these are pre esigned or some director is guiding the show?Whatever may be the reason,the orderliness,the patterns,the intricacies which it is made off is mindboggling to give a thought.There comes the question of controlling the senses,thought flows,that is known to be possible for a saint.Even if a saint practices this form of exercise what will be substituted for thoughts.Is it emptiness?Nothingness?Eeriness?Mysteriousness?.If so what is nothingness?Can anybody out there explain wat is nothingness?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Living a Life I want.....
I always consider my life is a plain canvas, the different colors and the make up of it showcases the decisions and actions that I take up in life. I know very well that only I can make the painting very beautiful .Sometimes I used to wonder why the sky cant be pink and leaves be purple .It takes courage to disregard all the conditioning and do something different. I have seen many ppl who always set a predefined principles and ideologies and never ever try anything different. These people never come out of their cocoon fearing society. I have seen some of my friends and aides are strongly dictated by society to an such extent they even doesn’t do what they enjoy and are very scared of being different.
Although mere wanting to do something different isn’t enough to goad us out of inertia, it’s a starting point of action .It takes tremendous courage to prepare your mind and heart to test the waters for chemistry, after which there will be no looking back. I personally believe that people who do a lot find time for everything and people who don’t do much, never find time for anything. It obviously avers that the important thing in life is the desire, Once your heart desires; the rest will slowly fall into place.
I made up my mind to take sometime out of my everyday schedule to do one thing that I really want to. Though it is a small change it breaks the monotony and makes my life worthy. we always appreciate, admire and talk about those who lead their lives in their own way and yet bind ourselves by the imaginary boundaries set by the society. Is it so difficult to live on our own terms and not those dictated by the society?
“The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience, not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life…..True life is lived when tiny changes occur”-Leo Tolstoy.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ceremonious Rituals of Tamil Brahmin Wedding...
The gates of the wedding hall are adorned with full-grown plantain trees, signifying evergreen plenty for endless generations.
Overhead festoons of mango leaves signify the never fading relationship to begin here. Notes of nadaswaram(Traditional South Indian music ensemble including the tavil (drum), nadaswaram (a sort of wind instrument) and small cymbals )heard loud and clear to signify the union here is sacred and divine.
Kolam or rangoli designs at the doorsteps match the mood of the occasion, beckoning a hearty welcome to the well wishers who arrive for the function.
At the threshold of the hall, sprinkling of rose water perfumes the visitors. Offering of flowers to women express a wish of sowbhagyam for the lady guest. The sugar candy brings forth the sweetness of happy event that the visitor has arrived to take part in.
Evening(Day 1)The evening prior to the wedding day, the bridegroom is brought in a procession from a temple in a flower-decorated vehicle. He is escorted by the bride’s parents and welcomed at the marriage mandap. This is a social function called ‘Janna Vasam’ .Through such a parade, public approval is sought of the groom, chosen by the family.
After reaching the marriage hall, there is a formal bethoral ceremony signifying the agreement between the families for the proposed alliance.
Day 2:(Preliminary Invocations):
Day2 is started with all pujas performed by both bride and groom, side. During a marriage, Ganapathi, the God, the remover of obstacles is invoked to keep away all impediments for such an auspicious function.
Navagraha puja is performed to propitiate the nine astral planets that rule over man's destinies.
The marriage ceremonies begin with vratham performed separately by the bride and the groom. For the bride, it means the tying of the kappu, the holy thread on her wrists, which is meant to ward off all evil sprits. It symbolizes a kind of protective armor for the bride.
For the groom vratham begins with invocations involving the Gods Indra, Soma, Chandra and Agni. From thereon the groom prepares himself for a new chapter in his life as a householder or grihasta. The days of his bachelorhood or brahmacharya are over now. The acceptance of his is all what the vratham is about.
Kasi Yatra:
This is a very important part of the ceremony. Immediately after his student life, the young bachelor has two alternatives before him – Grihasta or Sanyas. Being by nature in a satwic state due to strict adherence of bachelorhood and observance of austerities, he is drawn towards asceticism. Therefore he makes his way to Kasi complete with slippers, umbrella, a fan made of bamboo etc. On his way the bride’s father intervenes and advises him of the superiority of married life to an ascetic life. He also promises to give his daughter as companion to face the challenges of life. The umbrella is to remain with the groom, to remind him in the future of this advice. As promised his wife stands by him in his life
Malai Mathal
The bride and groom are lifted to the shoulders of their respective maternal uncles. This is an expression of continuing sibling support to their mothers. And in that position the two garland each other thrice for a complete union. In the shastras, the exchange of garlands symbolizes their unification, as one soul in two bodies. It is inward acceptance by each of the very fragrance in the other.
The marrying couple is seated on a swing. They rock forth and back, as women sing songs to praise the couple. The bride and groom are given a sweet concoction of milk, sugar and bananas to eat. Water and lighted lamps are circulated around the swing in order to guard against demons and ghosts. Colored globules of cooked rice are waved in a circular motion and thrown away to propitiate the evil spirits.
The chains of the swing signify the eternal karmic link with the Almighty. The to and fro motion represents the undulating sea-waves of life. Yet in mind and body they shall move in harmony – steady and stable.
Pallikai Seeds Sowing
This is a fertility rite. Pallikais are earthern pots prepared a day earlier. Pots spread at the base with hariali grass and Bael leaves (vilvam). Nine kinds of presoaked cereals are ceremoniously sown in these pots by sumangalis. After the marriage, the sprouted seedlings are released in a river or pool. This ritual invokes the blessing of the eight direction quartered guardian angels (Ashtadikh Paalaks) for a healthy life and progeny to the couple.
The main wedding:
Vara Puja:
The feet of the bridegroom are washed in milk and wiped off with silk. This is done by the bride’s father. As a brahmachari, the groom is represented as the male principle of Godhead.
The Design of the Mangal Sutra
The design of the mangal sutra varies from family to family as per tradition. In Shivite families the design of the tulasi madam is highlighted where as others could have the shiva lingam or Goddess Meenakshi represented. As the Mangal Sutra lands on the middle of the bride’s chest, it symbolizes that her man has occupied the whole of her being through her heart. The bride in all ceremonies is represented as the female principle of Godhead – the Shakti.
Kanya Dhanam:
The bride is made to sit on her father’s lap and is given away as a gift by him to the bridegroom.
On the bride’s head, a ring made of Darbha of Kusa grass is placed. And over it is placed a yoke. The gold Mangal Sutra or Thali is placed on the aperture of the yoke. And water is poured though the aperture. The mantras chanted at this time say:
“Let this gold multiply your wealth, Let this water purify your married life, And may your prosperity increase. Offer yourself to your husband.”
The symbolism of the yoke is drawn out of ancient rural life where the only mode of transport for households was the bullock cart. It is supposed to signify that just as a bullock cart cannot run with just one bull, the marriage needs both the bride and groom. Both of them have to face their responsibilities together.
The bride is then given an auspicious ablution. A new sari, exclusive for the occasion, called the koorai(9yards sari madisaar) is chosen. The colour of the koorai is ‘arraku’ i.e. red, the colour associated with Shakti. This sari is draped around the bride by the sister of the bridegroom, signifying her welcome to the bride. A belt made of reed grass is then tied around the bride’s waist. The mantras then chant:
"She standeth here, pure before the holy fire. As one blessed with boons of a good mind, a healthy body, life-long companionship of her husband (Sumangali Bhagyam) and children with long lives. She standeth as one who is avowed to stand by her husband virtuously. Be she tied with this reed grass rope to the sacrament of marriage."
Thanksgiving vedic hymns follow, to the celestial caretakers of her childhood, the dieties of Soma, Gandharva and Agni. Having attained nubility, the girl is now free to be given over to the care of the human -- her man.
The vedic concept underlying this ritual is figuratively that in her infancy Soma givers her the coolness of the moon. In the next stage of life the Gandharvas gave her playfulness and beauty. And when she becomes a maiden Agni gave her passions.
The father of the bride while offering his daughter chants:
“I offer ye my daughter: A maiden virtuous, good natured, very wise, decked with ornaments to the best of my abilities. With all that she shall guard thy Dharma, Wealth and Love”
The bridegroom returns his assurance to the bride’s father saying three times that he shall remain for ever her companion in joy and sorrow, in this life and life after.
Kankana Dharana:
The bride ties a string fastened to a piece of turmeric around the wrist of the bridegroom to bind themselves by a religious vow. It is only after tying the kankanam that the bridegroom gets the right to touch the bride. A little later, the bridegroom ties a kankanam to the bride’s wrist.
Mangalya Dharanam:
The tying of the Mangal Sutra or Thali takes place at exactly the pre-determined auspicious hour. The bride is seated over a sheaf of grain-layden hay looking eastward while the bridegroom faces westward. The bridegroom puts the gold Mangal Sutra around the neck of the bride. As he does so the Nadaswaram is played loud and fast so as to muffle any inauspicious sounds at the critical hour. This is called Getti Melam. Sumangali ladies sing auspicious songs. At the same time as the mangal sutra a turmeric thread is also put around the bride’s neck. To this three knots are tied. The first one by the bridegroom. The other two knots are tied by the groom’s sister to make the bride a part of their family. The vedic hymn recited by the bridegroom when he ties the knot is:
"I pray to the Almighty that I be blessed with a long life. I tie this knot around your neck. Oh Soubhagyawati, may providence bestow on you a fulfilling life of a Sumangali for a hundred years to come!"
Paani Grahanam:
This means holding hands. The groom holds the hand of the bride. The mantras say:
"The Devas have offered you to me in order that I may live the life of a Grihasta. We shall not part from each other even when we grow old."
Saptha Padhi:
Holding the bride’s hand the bridegroom walks seven steps around the holy fire with her. This is the most important part of the marriage ceremonly. And only when they walk these seven steps together (i.e. perform the saptha padhi) is the marriage complete. With each step they take a vow. The belief is that when one walks seven steps with another, one become’s the other’s friend. The mantras said at this time mean:
"Ye who have walked with me, become my companion, whereby I acquire your friendship. We shall remain together – Inseparable. Let us make a vow together. We shall love, share the same food, share our strengths, the same tastes. We shall be of one mind. We shall observe the vows together. I shall be the Sama and you the Rig. I shall be the upper world and you the earth. I shall be the sukhilam and you the holder. Together we shall live, beget children and other riches. Come thou, o sweet worded girl.
Arundhati and Dhruva Star
Next the groom shows the bride the star Arundhati (from the Saptha Rishi or Great Bear constellation) as also Dhruva or the pole star. Arundhati is the wife of the Vashishta Maharishi and exemplified as the ideal wife - the embodiment of charity. Dhruva is the one who attained immortality through single-minded devotion and perseverance. This is symbolic of the fact that such virtues are to be emulated throughout marital life.
Showering of Akshadai
Akshadai, i.e. rice grains coloured with turmeric and saffron are showered on the couple by elders and invitees as benediction.
Graha Pravesham
Taking with her fire from the Laaja Homam, the bride takes leave of her home and enters the new home of her in-laws. The vedic hymns recited at this time sound like the mother’s advice to her daughter:
"Be the queen of your husband’s home. May your husband glorify your virtues! Conduct yourself in such a way that you win your mother-in-law’s love. And be in the good books of your sister-in-law."
Evening Function:
The evening of the marriage day is the time to relax and play. The newly wed wife calls her husband for play, inviting him through a song. Much to the merriment of all gathered, there follows a series of playful games. The bride anointing the groom’s feet with colour paste, fanning him, showing him a mirror, breaking papads over each other’s head. Wrenching the betel pack from each other’s hands. Rolling the coconut from one to another as in playing ball and so on. During these events women sing songs, making fun of the bride, the groom and the in-laws.
These events bring out the qualities of the bride and the groom’s sporting spirit, kindness, co-operative nature thus surfacing the hidden traits for the other to note, thus bringing about better understanding and compatibility.
Night Time ceremony:
Sesha Homam
Fire oblation with the residual ghee, a little of which is sprinkled on the bride’s head four times. The leftover ghee is considered sacred, the whole of which was offered to Agni. ‘Sesha’ means leftover. The idea of sprinkling this residual ghee on the bride’s head signifies strength to be drawn from the four vedas; which is left over from one yuga or era to another
Shanthi Muhurtham
The consummation of the marriage at night fixed for an auspicious time for a happy, ever-lasting married life that is full of understanding and care. Two souls united in a sacred act of fulfillment, to bring forth progeny as nature's best creation.
Thus ends the holy act of wedding. All these really make me wonder how our ancestors feared and respected nature and how humanly life they lead .:-)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Short circuit In my Brain Last Night(Do ye call it stupidity!!)
As a Bioinformatician, I wonder many times how the cultural trends now fashionable not only in the west favors an egalitarian approach to life.Bioinformaticians, geneticists and sociologists grill their brains to prove their way with an impressive amount of scientific data and formulations that all men are naturally equal and if some are more equal than others, that is attributable to nurture than nature. Also from the facts I know, Men are not equal, some are stupid and others are not and that the difference is determined by nature not by cultural forces are factors. Having said this, modified version of Mendel’s second law goes like this, “The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristics of that person”.
The most remarkable fact about the frequency of stupidity is that Nature succeeds in making this frequency equal to the probability quite independently from the size of the group. Thus I obviously find the same percentage of stupid people whether I am considering very large group or a very small ones. Another striking fact is that education has nothing to do with the probability of these stupids. Different population groups namely the blue collar workers, white collar employees, students, professors even the Nobel Laureates comprise of a small fraction of population who are ideally stupids.Whether I consider classical, or medieval, or modern or contemporary times am quite impressed by the fact that any country moving uphill has its unavoidable fraction of stupid people. However the country moving uphill also has an unusually high fraction of intelligent people who manage to keep the stupid fraction at bay and at the same time these intelligent ppl produce enough gains for themselves and the other members of the community to make progress a certainty. Now u might start wondering whether am afflicted with schizophrenia or a kinda neurodegenerative disorder.Well..These are some of the patterns that bombard a cascade of thoughts in my highly convoluted network interface. Sounds some symptom of stupidity!!!EscapeJ
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Quelling feminine passions...
This post comes out of an inspiration from an exotic article which I read in a magazine. The scenario of finding grooms through various sources is not very new to me as my elder sisters too faced the same situation. Relatives come to the first rescue followed by enquiries from horoscope parivardhanaas.Trends of these days are BharatMatrimony,,.not to mention the matrimonial section of the Sunday paper. Stung by the TSF (tall,fair,slim)complex each guy is an Abhishek Bacchan in our community. Parents of the bride primarily pin their hopes on horoscope match. They are ready to get their daughter married to a ten year elder groom just because of the horoscope match. What parents fail is, to meet the expectations of their daughter. Though arranged marriages have evolved with the time, not the mindset of orthodox parents.some parents are even ready to offer diamond earings, necklace, and dowry apart from the installment lump sums for each festive occasion. The pity is that the groom himself is not worthy if it. There is a maxim in tamil goes like this..pulla killi maaplanu sonna andha pullu kooda aadum..(call a piece of grass as a groom and it will start demanding things..).Amidst these, the only expectation of these parents is to look their daughter happy for the rest of her lifetime. When photos are exchanged again the groom enjoys his privilege of choice whereas a girl is looked upon with contempt if she disagrees to her parents wish.Then comes the final act of wedding…after which the girl is forced to undergo a rapid metamorphosis to acclimatize the new environment , also to ensure a peaceful living in her house.She does this by sacrificing her dreams, expectations,likes and dislikes just to get her parents, a good name. This is the condition of major proportion of girls in our country.
Coming to the new world of ‘assisted marriages’ which satiates a girl’s dream in finding a suitable companion. It can be a semi-arranged or arranged love marriages and the only thing you have to be sure of is that you want to get married.Atleast ensure that your likes and dislikes matches with that of his. This is a very important aspect because matrimony is such a delicate relationship that a small disagreement in opinions could lead to a torn relationship.I have seen many people who are bad decision makers when it come marriage,they either go in for physical beauty mostly or for the kind of wealth that a girl brings from her house. Physical beauty is transient with age and money cannot give you all you want in life.The best intelligence of a girl should be in careful selection of her spouse, so have an open mind, you might just find yourself lucky J….
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Uh..My first Post...
How nice it would be to sit in contemplation and write down what you like and dislike, your personal experiences, about your areas of expertise and all such stuff which ultimately gives a sense of beautiful living. I give prime importance to 2 things in my life, music and research.
As far as music is concerned, it fills my vine cup everyday giving a sense of ecstasy at the end of a stressful day. When I mention research, it makes me remainded of a beautiful quotation by John Cage,
“I don’t know why people are frightened of new ideas; I am frightened of old ones”
As a bioinformatician, I would like to probe into the intricate patterns of genes and proteins, thereby serving something useful for the computational Biology society. Apart from these, I really cannot say anything specific about myself, as I still remain as an enigma to myself. I am a staunch believer and preacher of constant learning process. My ideology is that good discrimination develops, only if you have a will and inclination of accepting other’s ideas as well. Obviously you wouldn’t try to implement every idea but it makes sense to consider each one and a positive attitude while you take time to sort them out.
‘Rhapsodize’ is my scrapbook to keep, share and discuss about the promptings of my destiny.well, to talk a little more about my career, this blog will also be a nodal point of trends in Computational Biology.
Gosh!!!Past 3 years have been something terrible for me. This is a common phenomenon in everybody’s life but then driven to succeed by childhood obsession, I am still climbing my way up from a past filled with terrible uncertainties. But does life stop with this? No…As they put it” Life must go on!!!”.so here it eezzz the iron butterfly ready to emerge from its cocoon to take up new challenges, new tasks and come up with the best possible solution.